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Water Resources

Golf Services

The environment and our natural resources are precious. EnviroLogic Resources provides cost-effective solutions that help the golf industry take advantage of its unique position as stewards of high quality urban habitat and caretakers of distinctive rural environments.

Some of the services we provide to the golf industry include:

Water Resources

Water Availability Studies

Water Rights Permitting, Transfers, and Claims

Geophysical Exploration and Hydrogeologic Investigations

Well Installation, Development, and Testing

Irrigation Water Quality Evaluations

Water Quality

Surface Water and Groundwater Monitoring

Regulatory and Toxicological Evaluations

Stormwater and Drainage Management and Permitting

Drywell Registration and Permitting

NPDES Permitting

Erosion Control

Environmental Stewardship

Environmental Stewardship Plans

BMP and IPM Plan Development

Water Conservation

Watershed Restoration

USACE and State Removal/Fill Permitting

Environmental Cleanup

Phase 1 Environmental Site Assessments

Spill Response and SPCC Plans

Underground Storage Tank Decommissioning

Site Investigations/Remedial Investigations

Human Health and Ecological Risk Assessment

Remedial Feasibility Studies

Environmental Cleanups

Request a copy of our complete Statement of Qualifications for the Golf Industry

Example Projects

Water Quality Monitoring at Golf Courses

We perform biannual surface and groundwater quality monitoring for pesticides and nutrients at 25 golf courses or parks in the Pacific Northwest. All of these projects require development of analytical protocols in accordance with the OGCSA Environmental Stewardship Guidelines, conducting the water quality sampling, reviewing the data and evaluating the results with respect to appropriate screening values or toxicological endpoints, developing options for improving Best Management Practices or the Integrated Pest Management Plan, preparing a report to document the sampling event, and working one-on-one with golf course superintendents. These samples are collected from creeks, ponds, irrigation or drainage conduits, rivers, lakes, wetlands, and wells. The analytical results are used to assess the golf course operations in relation to potentially sensitive aquatic habitats and we recommend changes in golf course practices to improve environmental performance.

Water Rights Work at Golf Courses

We provide our clients with advice regarding water rights. We have prepared applications for new groundwater rights, transfer applications, and Claims of Beneficial Use at several golf courses in the Pacific Northwest. We use GIS technology to create accurate application and transfer maps, and we work with the Oregon Water Resources Department to achieve permits, final orders, or Certificates. The transfer process has also been used to add new wells and pumps.

We completed site inspections and two Claims of Beneficial Use for Oregon Water Resources Department (WRD) water-use permits issued a golf course in Clackamas County, Oregon. One permit authorized the storage of surface water in reservoirs for irrigation, recreation, and aesthetics. The second permit authorized the use of water from the reservoirs and a creek for irrigation of up to 125 acres of the golf course. The Claims document the water uses and diversion works developed under the permits, including the dimensions of five reservoirs and dams. The Claims also provide supporting hydraulic calculations. The WRD will use the Claims as a basis for issuing water rights to the County.

Quantitative Evaluation of Pesticide Leaching and Transport

We performed a qualitative analysis of the potential risk to municipal water supply wells related to pesticide applications on golf greens for a proposed golf course to be developed by a municipal agency in Multnomah County, Oregon. We followed this with a quantitative analysis of potential risk to the wells by using statistics, a pesticide leaching analysis, and analytical ground-water contaminant transport modeling of pesticides and nutrients. We showed that should pesticides be leached to the ground-water system, the concentrations would always be at least an order of magnitude below current detection limits (10 parts per trillion).

Underground Injection Control Evaluations at Golf Courses

EnviroLogic Resources defended one client in a case related to a presumed UIC system. When the new maintenance building was constructed, a note on a drawing seemed to indicate that a drywell had been installed near the pesticide mixing area. We investigated the matter and found that what was actually installed was a drain line to the irrigation pond. We prepared documentation supporting this finding and convinced the regulatory agency that there was, in fact, no drywell related to the facility. In another project, a golf course had indicated that 72 drywells had been installed for drainage in fairways, but they no longer existed. We suggested that there were really only 12 drywells at any one time (they had been abandoned and replaced when they were no longer functioning). We also collected representative soil samples from the areas and argued for a clean closure based on the results of pesticide analyses. The drywells had been replaced with catch basins leading to vegetated bioswales several years in the past.

Herbicide Spill Response

A direct-push method soil investigation was performed as a follow-up to emergency response actions relating to a Prowl H20® (pendimethalin) release. Response activities have included supporting the initial response and collection of surface soil and water samples, subsurface characterization and soil sampling, removal of a portion of the highway and the underlying crushed rock and soil, coordination of confirmation sampling after the removal activities, replacement of the roadway and additional confirmation sampling. A summary report was developed for submittal to Oregon DEQ Cleanup Program for review, including a preliminary human and ecological risk assessment. Additional soil and water sampling work was necessary in order for DEQ to consider the site for a “no further action” determination.

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Copyright 2000-2025 EnviroLogic Resources, Inc.

Tom Calabrese, RG, CWRE
EnviroLogic Resources, Inc.
PO Box 80762
Portland, OR 97280-1762
(503) 768-5121
fax (503) 768-5122